1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176
Date 29.10.2011
Race Cena Dopravního podniku hl.města Prahy
Course Praha-Velká Chuchle
Start type V
Place Horse St. Nr. Time Dist. Driver Odds Prize in € CZK
1Walkie Talkie (NL)518,82200am. Peter Zmeko453609 000
2Buffalo Joy (D)119,62180Monika Kalčíková671844 600
3Crazy Madonna (S)319,72180am. Alena Tvrzová351203 000
4Jenny Mc Murtie (D)719,02200Michal Kalčík60802 000
5The Generals Wish (D)419,12200am. David Papežík35561 400
DNLollo Axe (I)22180am. Ondřej Šmejkal8900

Notes on results: DC - disqualified for galopping through the finish line, DD - disqualified for not achieving the final furlong at the same moment as the winner is crossing the finish line, DN - disqualified for excessive galopping, DT - disqualified for taking an irregular pace, S - not started, Z - unfinished race, ZC - disqualified for taking advantage of the field by taking an irregular pace, ZN - unfinished due to crash

Notes on start types: A - autostart, F - flying start, V - volt start

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